How to invest, when you have a student loan. Is it possible, absolutely! This is how!
The first thing is, know how much interest you are paying for your student loan. in most cases it is hardly any. here in the netherlands it is not even 1% per year.
so paying off your student loan is, doesn’t seem to be very interesting.
Leverage the student loan to your own advantage. invest it!
if you plan to buy a home within 1 year, then paying off your loan is a good idea, because the weight of the loan is higher than the interest investments can give you.
if you have no plans for buying a home or anything, then the student loan won’t bother you, go invest with the money.
one HUGE disclaimer! Don’t invest with money you don’t have, that could bring you into trouble. if you have no knowledge on investing, then don’t do it. Learn it before randomly throwing away other people’s money.
if you’re curious how i do it, just reach out ;)
good luck investing!