Everyone can make money, this may be active income or passive income, but the question always arises, how do I make x amount, well, the first thing that you need to think about is, how much do I want to make, and in what amount of time. Is the trick that I apply still applicable in 2020, or was it an old trick?
The 4 steps I go through in this video today are:
1. Find the opportunity to make $1000 in a week time. Even in 2020 still. If you are interested in this, be sure to believe in yourself, and go out there and look for opportunities to make a 1000 dollars, if you don’t dare to go outside, how will you ever face people and make money.
2. If you really believe you can’t go outside, which also makes sense sometimes.. Well, why not just go online? There are so many opportunities online, you have websites like craigslist, ebay, facebook marketplace and facebook groups, so no reason to complain. Did you think that jack ma would complain when he didn’t know how to make money? He just continued. Same goes for elon musk and jeff bezos. Find your opportunity, may it be offline or online.
3. Getting paid upfront will make you accountable for your own actions. It is the deal you make with the other party and then deliver. The best thing is of course to overdeliver. Make your time valuable for you, but also for the other. If you can make it worthwhile, others will love what you do for them, and that makes you desireable.
4. The most important but most often forgotten step is to find a niche that really fits you, but that can make you the expert in your field, show your skills. And excel in them. Like being a cleaner or a house organizer. Whereas in the beginning I would think… What the hell…. Now I am making use of these services myself… So yeah, paying more for more specific services.
If you haven’t checked out the mindset video yet, be sure to check that video out.