Creating passive income is very sweet if you want to have some monthly income, and yet do no more extra work for the money that it brings in, then you should really check out today’s video with the methods that I love using. especially in 2020, now that all market is volatile and people get to work again. it is nice to get some money coming in on the side, no need to worry about it.
1. Dividend stock, if you know which to pick, it will generate money for you, each month, quarter or annually, without you doing the work anymore.
2. Invest in REITs and have the portfolio bring you money each month. REITs have a slightly higher return than dividend stocks, also because they do bring more risk with them along. but in the end, if you do your research well, before… then you will know your passive income will be fine and steady.
3. Sell your photos/videos online. use platforms like shutterstock or iStock, to get royalties off your photos you share online.
4. Become an amazon affiliate. you drive traffic to amazon pages, and have people buy things online through your link. once amazon sells a product using your link, you will get a share as well.
5. Rent your stuff out. we have so much stuff laying around, and I’m sure you have things that you could rent to other people. and let other people pay for it as well.
6. teach your skills online. make an online course using a platform like skillshare. do the work now, build the material.. and let the platform distribute your work and content and let them find the people for you who want to purchase your course. and that’s how you make money as well.
if there are other method you believe should be on this list as well. please let me know and share them in the comments